Klikker Documentation


Klikker automates the repetitive clicking task required in many Facebook games. You just position the cursor where it needs to be, press and hold a keyboard key, and Klikker will relieve you of tiring and continuous clicks. If you are harvesting a row of pineapples in FarmTown, for instance, you position the mouse cursor to an unharvested plot, then press and hold down the Ctrl key. You will see the plot change to “harvested”. Move the mouse to an adjacent unharvested plot, and it will change. Move the mouse faster, and you will see a trail of harvested plots appear.

Klikker can repeat the clicks much faster than your finger can (most people can click 2-6 times per second.) When you click your mouse on your PC, it reports to the application at what location the mouse pointer was located. That’s how the application, like Farm Town, knows you want to harvest or plow a particular plot. You point and click. All Klikker will do is click the mouse without you pressing the left mouse button. The application won’t know that Klikker did the clicking instead of you. Klikker may not be right for all games. See the Technical Information sections below to determine if Klikker’s operation will work with your game.

When you start up Klikker, the Control panel appears. Klikker is ready to start and will use all the settings from the previous time you used Klikker. The Control panel will show a big “Start” button, a smaller “SET” button, and a “click meter”. The click meter is updated whenever Klikker is not busy clicking with the number of clicks it has issued since it was last started up. You will know how many clicks Klikker has “issued” and saved from your index finger and mouse!


We recommend that you set the gaming window size to “normal” or “restore down”, so you can see the edge of your desktop, at least to the left of the game window, and position the Klikker window as shown, with the Start button showing to the left of the gaming window.

Klikker needs to be directed (each time you press the “Start” button) as to which window it should be clicking in. So open your gaming window, and get the screen displaying your playing field (like a FarmTown farm). Then click the Klikker “Start” button.

It will change to a “Stop” button, and its color will change to green. Without clicking, move your mouse cursor back to your gaming field, like the FarmTown field.


Click once. The gaming window will become the active window and you’ll see the Klikker big button change from green to yellow. This means Klikker is ready to operate.


Now, when you press the Ctrl key, Klikker’s big button color changes to orange, and Klikker begins left-clicking at the “Slow” rate in your gaming window, and will continue to do so until you release the Ctrl key. Move your cursor, and you should see its effect immediately.

While holding the Ctrl key, also press the Shift key, and observe that Klikker’s big button color changes from orange to red.  You will also find that the speed of the clicks changes to the “Fast” rate. Releasing the Shift key will go back to the ”Slow” rate. Releasing the Crtl key will stop the clicking action, and Klikker’s big button will go back to yellow.

When you are done with the operations requiring Klikker, you can either click outside the gaming window, or click the big “Stop” button in Klikker’s control panel. It will revert to the uncolored “Start” button.

Klikker has two speeds.  Press the Ctrl key to start clicking at the “Slow” speed. While holding the Ctrl key down, press the Shift the key to “shift” into “Fast” speed.  This is handy when you’re moving your mouse quickly, and don’t want to miss targets as you pass by. You will find there are occasions where slowing down will help your accuracy near obstacles.

You can change  both speed settings  on the Klikker control panel using the boxes marked “Slow” and “Fast”.  To change the values, click the  button and the Control panel expands to show you the current settings. You specify the number of clicks per second. The slowest speed allowed is 0.015, which is about one click per hour. The fastest speed allowed is 30 clicks per second. This limit is to prevent your game (and browser client) from being overloaded by Klikker. If you so choose, you can set the “Fast” rate lower then the “Slow” rate, and then the SHIFT key will actually slow down the click rate!

The very first time you launch Klikker, it will have values of 2 (clicks per second) for slow and 3 for fast as the default speed settings. You can change these values any time you wish by first clicking the SET button to reveal the panel with all the user settings.  Then change the values to what you desire. We recommend 9 and 17 for speeds using Farm Town, and 6 and 12 for FarmVille.These can be adjusted at will for your system.

In addition to click speed, you can tell Klikker that the mouse must be moved a minimum distance before clicking again.  The distance is specified in pixels (dots on the screen).  Setting this value to zero (the default) will turn off this feature. This can help reduce browser overload by limiting the total number of clicks for a given amount of mouse movement.

FARM TOWN SPEED LIMIT NOTE:Sometime in early October, FarmTown developers implemented a clicking "speed limit". It was initially set at around 6 clicks per second. Personally, I've tested my speed, and can consistantly click at just over 8 clicks per second. So even WITHOUT Klikker, FT is limiting my play speed. There were all sorts of justifications like server overloads, poor performance, etc. The primary reason, however, seems to be that those who do NOT have an automated clicking program (there are several of these out there) complained that they were not getting their fair share during market labor hiring. In fact, some fast clickers are running all over them, showing off, and otherwise making rude pests of themselves. We'd encourage using Klikker in a responsible manner, leave a fair share for co-workers, and in general get your share done and move on. On your own farm, and those on which you are solo, we wonder who would care how fast you could complete the work? In any case, the limit is implemented, and you might do well to fine-tune Klikker so that it's clicking less and with more accuracy. We're using 8 slow clicks, and 12 pixels between clicks. Seems to be pretty smooth, and relatively few plot misses.

Finally, Klikker can be directed to keep the Klikker window visible even when your focus is in the game. This makes Klikker more prominent, and is absolutely required when you use fuill screen mode. Full-screen Klikker use is not possible

That’s pretty much it. Using it is sort of science, sort of art. Nothing stops you from moving randomly over your gaming field. It just keeps on Klikking! Note, however, that in some games, the locations where you click may have an effect on your gaming speed. For instance, in FarmTown harvesting and plowing, your avatar moves in fast jumps when adjacent plots are clicked. If you click plots more than two squares away from each other, your avatar takes extra time to “walk” to the distant plot. The best technique is to sweep up and down each row, carefully and slowly at first. You will get better as time goes on, and soon be able to move QUITE quickly.

Klikker is a simple program. Its concept took time and effort to develop for your use, however. While we won’t get rich selling it, we’d appreciate it if you would NOT copy it for friends, or send it to friends. The cost is really cheap for what it does, and we’d like to be compensated by those who benefit from it. Please don’t pirate our software! The correct operation of Klikker is guaranteed only for properly installed and registered copies of the software.


Klikker relies on the fact that your game does not react badly if you click repeatedly on the same spot or if you click on an invalid spot. Most games just present a warning on the screen that say you can’t click there. These messages do not require acknowledgement, and you can continue with little or no delay due to the warning. Because Klikker is unaware of where the mouse is, if you roll over the “GO HOME” button while Klikking, it will click on it and try to take you home.

Since Klikker is controlled by the Ctrl and Shift keys, the game and your browser must not perform differently based on the state of those keys.  The game should perform the same way whether Ctrl, Ctrl plus Shift, or neither key is pressed at the time the mouse button is clicked.

You can easily test for these requirements without activating Klikker.  Start your game and position the mouse cursor in your game screen. Click on a desired spot and observe the result.  Then click the mouse with the Ctrl key depressed and confirm the same result.  Also click the mouse with the Ctrl key and the Shift key depressed and check the result.   Repeat these tests in several spots in the game field.  Test your game’s tolerance for repeated clicks by clicking on the same spot at a fast pace.  Confirm that the additional clicks are either ignored or that the reaction will not impede or stop the play.   

Klikker relies on having the Internet available to authenticate. The authentication process verifies that your version of Klikker is current and is being run on the computer for which it is registered. Klikker will not operate properly if this access is not made available. No personal information outside of Klikker usage is transferred to the authentication server.

Klikker does not interact with any of your applications directly. It’s merely a mouse left-button click emulator. It knows NOTHING about how you are using those clicks.


How do I know Klikker is ready to use?

When you start Klikker up, its START button shows. When you click the START button, it turns green, indicating it is waiting for you to identify the window in which it will click. You should click in your game window promptly (within ten seconds). Once you’ve clicked in the game window, Klikker’s button changes to Yellow, indicating it’s ready for operation. You can verify its readiness by pressing the Ctrl key on your keyboard. The Klikker button should change color from yellow to orange while you have Ctrl pressed, and return to Yellow when you release the Ctrl key.

I was working fine, and Klikker suddenly turned off, stopped clicking! The button shows START again, without color. What happened?

Klikker is trained to work in one window at a time. You “train” it to work in your game window using the START button and a mouse-click inside the game window. If you click your mouse anywhere outside the game window, like the Desktop, or your email or a Reminder, or the Klikker control window, Klikker will assume you want it to turn off. This is to prevent inadvertent clicks in places not ready for them. Most folks get this problem when they travel beyond the edge of their play window by mistake while using Klikker. Just re-Start/re-train Klikker back to your game window, and resume.

While I’m farming, Klikker is missing a lot of plots. I have to go back frequently to get them again. What’s wrong?

Chances are you are either moving too fast for Klikker to click each plot, or you are trying to click something “blocked” by something else. In the second case, players are familiar with the way trees and buildings “hide” plots from access. But the message “You can plow empty fields or previously harvested crops” (or one similar for harvesting or planting) will most likely be displayed on your screen while using Klikker. This is because Klikker is usually clicking more than once on a given plot. Once it’s been clicked, it is not a legitimate target for another click, hence the message. The problem is that that message itself BLOCKS access to the plots under it! When you are clicking manually, the game recognizes that you are working under the message, and sometimes hides the message so you can work. Klikker is far too fast for the game to know that. So just pull the affected plots down, left, or right to get them out from under the message, and proceed.

Also, Klikker’s clicking speed has an effect on your game play. Too fast, and it overloads the game or your browser. Too slow, and you miss plots. For FarmTown, we recommend Slow settings of 6-10 clicks per second, and Fast settings of 12-20. Start out slow, and move your mouse with smooth, slow, straight lines. As you speed up, Klikker may start missing plots. Just press the Shift key to increase your click rates. Later, as you get faster and more accurate, you can crank up the Slow and Fast speeds on Klikker.

I’ve had sessions where I press CTRL, and move the mouse, and the screen appears to “lock up”, no plots show harvested/plowed, and the avatar does not move.

 This is a clear case of your browser getting behind on the action. If you move a few plots and nothing happens, just release the CTRL key and wait for the browser to catch up. Here’s the cool part: You don’t HAVE to wait! You can do several rows without seeing the result, and then wait for your browser to catch up! When it is behind, it will catch up in one big “blast” where all the plots you ran over are updated at once. Just be smooth and accurate with your mouse, and you’ll see the plots all light up after-the-fact.

When I’m farming as a laborer, my avatar is moving so fast that my “Boss” cannot catch me to switch from harvest to plow mode. I’m missing out on work!

FarmTown’s avatar movements are pretty smart! When the avatar is harvesting or plowing adjacent plots, it moves in a jump, no walking. Only when there is one or two plots between the selected plots, the jump occurs. If there’s more than that, though, FarmTown causes your avatar to “walk” to the next plot. If you are smooth and accurate, you can have your avatar move very fast across the farm in jumps. If you’re really fast, you can have a large string of plots queued up, and when you’re finished, it will catch up quickly, but it could be half a field or more behind you! However, your Boss will want to hire you as soon as the last plot is CLICKED, and not wait for your avatar to catch up. Remember, from the Boss’ point of view, you are done a lot faster than your FT screen shows. But your avatar is moving so fast, your Boss needs a bigger target to catch you. As soon as you’ve clicked your last plot, just send your Boss a message like “CLICK INSIDE THIS BUBBLE TO CATCH ME! BIGGER TARGET”.

You can help by adding a second, third, and fourth line of single characters, like “a”, “b”, and “c” to make the balloon an even-bigger target. Your Boss can click anywhere on the balloon and hire you for the next task even while your avatar is racing across the field.

I’d like to practice using Klikker without embarrassing myself online. Can I experiment somehow where I can see what I am doing?

YES! Every Windows installation includes Microsoft Paint, a simple graphics software package. You can find it in Programs à Accessories à Paint.   Open it up, start a new document, select the color you like, select the paintbrush tool, and select the large dot or square as the brush shape. Now you’re ready to simulate play! Start Klikker up, click start, and click once in the MS Paint workspace. Then press Ctrl or Crtl plus Shift and observe the “painting” as you move the mouse around. Each time Klikker “clicks”, it will leave an image in the shape of the selected brush, in the color selected. You can fine-tune the clicks-per-second by changing the values in the Klikker window, and resuming. Change colors and brush shapes as desired. It’s fun, it’s offline, and you’ll get a better feel for how Klikker works. Notice in the screen image below, we moved the mouse across the page at roughly the same speed, but we pressed the Shift key where it changes to red, and you see the clicks are closer together.